Are both Controlled drug delivery & Sustained drug delivery systems same ?

No they are not same.The terms  controlled and sustained drug delivery  lead to lot of confusion  over years .This may be due to their nomenclature which appear to be synonymous (controlled & sustained) .Both this terms  points towards increased time of drug delivery at a slow & constant rate.Instead both of drug delivery systems perform similar functions they differ in following aspects.

(1).In sustained drug delivery drug substance is coated with resinous  (OR) plastic materials where as in Controlled drug delivery the drug is delivered through a semi permeable membrane.

Are both Controlled drug delivery & Sustained drug delivery systems same ?
                                                          Above figure shows controlled release of drug after time 't'

Are both Controlled drug delivery & Sustained drug delivery systems same ?

Above figure shows drug release from sustained release delivery system.Here drug substance is coated by a release control polymer (either a natural resin or a synthetic polymer).

(2).Sustained drug delivery tries to achieve zero order kinetics but follows first order kinetics(concentration dependent).Controlled drug delivery follows zero order kinetics.

(3).If we compare the therapeutic range of both drug delivery systems ,controlled drug delivery system has little higher range  when compared to sustained formulations.see the following graph

Are both Controlled drug delivery & Sustained drug delivery systems same ?

My conclusion :

Finally my conclusion is instead both the terms appear  to be similar  they differ in their basic concept and activity .So,controlled and sustained drug systems represent separate delivery processes.

Category : Pharma questions(Pharma "Q"s)

Authored by : Imroz.s.m.Mpharm..,

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