Benefits of drinking water in early morning.

As you know that  our body needs a good amount of water  to carry out normal metabolic functions, During our night sleep major amount of moisture from our body is lost through skin,breath,urine.Due to this the body will be in water scarcity  condition . Drinking   2-4 glasses of water(without even brushing your teeth) In early morning helps to restore normal metabolic functions of internal organs .

Benefits of drinking water in early morning are:

1.Dilutes blood there by increasing blood circulation.
2.Removes toxins in the body
3.Activates internal organs
4.Stimulates stomach's creeping motion
5.Reduces stress & weight
6.Fights constipation
7.Gives glowing skin.

In addition to above benefits ,It is belived that drinking water in early morning  also improves vision,fights allergies e.t.c . So drink water  in early morning and live a healthy life.
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