Coating pans PPT

Coating pans PPT


The coating pan is a simple unit ,which the principle of rolling a batch of tablets in an elliptical pan , spraying the coating solution on it and passing hot air across the tablet bed:



1.Standard coating pan : ex: pelligrini coating pan
2.Perforated coating pan/side vented coating pan : ex: accela cota pan hi-coater pan dria coater pan glatt pan huttlin butterfly pan
3.fluidized bed coating equipment/air suspension system : ex: wurster fluidized bed coating equipment glatt fluidized bed coating equipment aromatic fluidized bed coating equipment

Components of the coating pan :

The fallowing are the major components of the coating pan system:


3.mouting air blower

5.exhaust blower with dust collector

6.spray system

Pan : Different shapes like elliptical, spherical, hemi-spherical/ pearl shaped Made up of stainless steel Provided with half round pipe tubular baffles to generate the tumbling action of the tablets

Drive : Drive is through a suitable hp motor connected to gear box assembly by means of pulley and belt arrangement

Mounting : Easily accessible by the operator The L-shaped plate is hinged near the pan and the farther end is fixed on two numbers angle adjusting bolts Manually we can increase or decrease the angle of mounting

Hot air blower : Motor is directly coupled to a centrifugal blower to supply hot air to the system Air is passed through air electrical heaters and carried by circular ducting The ducting is provided with a temperature sensor for temperature measurement/control and reduced cones to fix the heater box End of the pipe is provided with a fish tail inside the pan to spread the air uniformly over the tablet bed at higher velocity

Exhaust blower with dust collector : centrifugal blower is used to carry away excess fumes Blower is connected to the dust collector consist of filter bags In filter bags air get filtered and dust gets settled down

Spray system : The spray system consist if the fallowing 1.solution preparation insulated tank 2.peristaltic pump 3.agitator 4.nozzel

Conventional coating pan:
Conventional coating pan Initially made up of copper and replaced by stainless steel Different shapes like hexagonal, pear shaped or elliptical 8-60 inches in diameter Mounted angularly at an angle 40 0 Rotated on its axis with various rpm

Pelligrini pan:
Pelligrini pan First coating pan rotating on its horizontal axis Have 10-1000kg batch capacity Provided with an integral baffle system Side walls of the pan are shaped with a pronounced tapper

Immersion tube coating pan :
Immersion tube coating pan Consist of a bent tube introducing the drying air directly into the tablet bed Simultaneously coating material is sprayed Advantage : Reduce loss of coating material Disadvantage : Creating friction between the core material and immersion tube

Immersion sword coating pan :
Immersion sword coating pan The immersion is divided into two ducts 1.supplying the dry air 2.exhausting the drying air Coating material is sprayed from the top until the surface of the core bed The drying air is exhausted below the surface, which accelerates the drawn of spraying liquid into the bed and avoids the loss of coating material

Perforated coating pan:
Perforated coating pan Consists of a perforated cylindrical pan Coating solution is sprayed by spraying nozzles which are located on the inside periphery of the pan Exhausted air is vented out through the perforations Important features : The equipment is an enclosed system Its design permits multi-directional air flow The pans are available in different batch capacities(3-40)kg The coating process is continuous The system is completely automated and computerized They exhibit clean-in-space(CIP) system

Accela coata pan:
Accela coata pan Aiming to increase the drying efficiency Spraying nozzle is positioned with in the drum The air outlet is closely placed at the upper part of the air inlet Provide improved mixing and drying of core material

Glatt coater:
Glatt coater Latest perforated pan Drying air can be directed from inside the drum through the tablet bed and exhaust through duct Have an optional split-chamber plenum Several air flow configurations are possible

Huttlin butterfly coating pan:
Huttlin butterfly coating pan Rotating container with a bottom consisting of several concentric rings
The adjacent rings overlap each other forming a series of concentric slits At the upper part of the container a conventional return device installed Spraying nozzle is mounted between the lower end of the return device and the bottom This setup aims at moving the particles in a less compact manner, which allows more efficient drying

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